Treatments Available at Skin Care Centre
- Eczema
- Psoriasis
- Leucoderma (White patches)
- lichen planus
- Black patches
- Wrinkles and Melasma
- Urticaria
- Skin diseases (itch)
- Pimples and Acne
- Skin allergy
- Sunburn
- Corn and all skin ailments are treated using Ayurvedic medicines and ‘Pancha-Karma’ therapy

Effective Panchkarma Treatment :
It consists of Vamana, Virechana, Rakta-Mokshana-Jaloukavacharana, Abhyantara Ghritpana for definite relief from all skin problems. Pancha-Karma Therapy provides healthy, beautiful and youthful skin. Modern medical science prescribes anti-allergic creams which contains steroids. Allopathic medicines contain chemicals which provide temporary relief and can cause side effects. But in Ayurveda, medicines are given for pitta-dosha and Rakta-dhatu along with the therapy of Panchkarma for permanent cure.